Thursday, 20 December 2012

Home Time

Tomorrow I'm going home from university for Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love home, I love the fact that when I go home I get to see all my family and friends and I really do get treated like a queen. But it's the journey. Two and a bit hours in a car is like torture for anyone with an overactive bladder.

I used to love any kind of journey. I'm one of those people who does actually enjoy just sitting and looking out the window. I enjoy my own thoughts. I don't even really listen to my iPod or anything much. I used to happily sit and look out the window for hours, just watching the world go by. I'm just not easily bored. Then overactive bladder hit and instead of thinking "oooh that's a nice house, but a little close to the road" I think "need to pee, need to pee, need to pee" I have definitely mastered the al fresco wee. Stopping off at any field/lay-by is fine by me. I used to be a proud person, who would only pee in a nice clean loo, and now I find myself stopping off anywhere and everywhere.

I have to continually try to distract myself because I'm always so panicked that I believe I need to go even when I know that I can't possibly. I have discovered the powers of the puzzle book. Just doing something like that does at least distract me until I really do need to go.

I don't know what it is about cars/trains/buses, I think it might be the jolty motion, certainly the panic in cars is that there's no on board toilet to use and you have to rely on there being somewhere to stop off.

If only we could teleport, people with bladder problems would be the first to buy into teleportation. We could zap ourselves to free toilets, we could go wherever in the world and actually enjoy life without worrying. One day maybe, one day!

I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to anyone who has read any of my blogs. I've reached nearly 100 people now in just under two weeks. I think it's amazing that people even click on a link to read my warblings! I hope it helps everyone to see that there are people out there with the same fears, worries and bladder centric thoughts. It's become really clear to me that whilst this is not a normal thing for your body to do, it is so common! We are not alone here and we should not be embarrassed or try to hide it. It happens to young and old, professional people and those without jobs, it happens to men and women. We have to live with it and that is a pain, but we shouldn't suffer alone!

Hope everyone's Christmas shopping is going better than mine (I've bought my mum some socks and that's about it :s) All the best for the festive season!

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