Monday, 21 January 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

It's been such a long time since I last wrote anything on here. The reason being that I think I'm starting to feel a bit better. Over Christmas my Mum was very pleased that I was back to being my "cheeky old self" as I demanded to be waited on hand foot and finger (although sadly my demands were not met). I feel like I can do a bit more now. Yesterday I even invited myself along to a seaside trip my cousin is planning for the Summer, something that previously I would have avoided like the plague. I like the thought of going out a bit more and I am back to being a tea addict, something that I stopped drinking when I was ill and didn't know what was wrong with me.

I think all this has been down to me relaxing over Christmas and really just taking some time to not worry about anything. Although us students don't exactly have the toughest of lives, it can be a bit stressful when there's so much to do work wise on top of trying to cook and clean etc for the first time. I have also had my daily dosage of Vesicare increased. This, I think, has been the main difference. It's taken about four weeks to really kick in, but I feel like I'm starting, and I stress starting, to feel a bit more like me.

I've always been shy but nothing has ever knocked my confidence like developing an overactive bladder. I suppose in life we all have our challenges and I finally feel like I have a chance of winning this one. Dwell on the good days and put the bad ones behind you.

I hope that anyone reading this and really suffering can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Without sounding like an emotional wreck, there were days, not even that long ago, where I thought my whole life would be dark and miserable. I won't let it be.

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