Tuesday, 18 December 2012

15 Stone Babies

Just a short blog/rant today. Sometimes I see things on the TV or read things that, thinking as I do (with my bladder), just make me a little bit angry. Here is a prime example:

The other day Channel 4 aired a documentary called "15 Stone Babies". It follows the lives of adults who behave like babies, not because they are incapable of adult life pr they have anything physically wrong with them, but because they want to.

I have no problem with adults wearing baby grows, I mean they look pretty comfy, or acting like babies in any other way for that matter. I'm pretty laid back and I usually just let people live as they want to as it doesn't really affect me. I did however find myself having a major issue with the fact that these people, these, grown, healthy, adults wore nappies and purposefully weed and pooed themselves so that someone else could change them. These are people without any bladder or water works problems that choose to do that. I have to try so hard and I'm continually stressed out about the fact that I often feel that I may accidentally pee myself. Why do it on purpose? I honestly found myself offended by it.

They said it wasn't even a sexual thing, just catching up on their missed childhoods. Having had a very happy childhood I can't really comment on how it might make you behave in later life, but I know people who haven't had a great time and they manage to control themselves.

I don't even really know why it got to me so much. These are people who are obviously not enjoying a happy, healthy adult life, so why does it bother me so much? I think the bit that really got to me was when an adult baby was waiting for a delivery of nappies and he said that if they didn't come soon there would be lots of puddles on the floor. I just thought, no, you have the physical capability, go to the toilet.

It was because of this, and this alone, that I could have absolutely no sympathy for them. When there are loads of people out there with actual physical problems who have to really try to get any control at all, and these people would rather sit and poo in a cot instead of using their adult body as it should be used, I just couldn't have any kind of pity for them.

They seemed to switch it on and off as well. They all had jobs, one woman was a psychologist, who after a hard day of analysing people and trying to make them feel better, went home to her controlling boyfriend/ "Daddy" and pretended to be a six year old. Another hadn't even told his wife he was an adult baby, they'd been married for years and when he finally went to a "nursery" for adult babies, the "mummy" there couldn't believe that he'd changed his own nappies for so long. Of course he'd changed his own nappies, he's a grown man who makes a choice to pee himself. Why the hell would anyone else ever change his nappy?

What a bizarre world we live in.

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