Tuesday, 11 December 2012


I was recently in the tricky situation of a job interview. Anyone with an overactive bladder will understand why this is tricky. How long will it last? Will they mind if I have to leave? What do I say when I have to go?

The job I was applying for was a Christmas temp job, six hours a week at the weekends. I'd already filled in a form online so I thought they'd want to look at me see that I'm presentable and friendly and then they'd make up their minds. I was both naive and mistaken. An hour. It took an hour. She was going over question after question. What would you do in this situation? Tell me an experience when this has happened? There was even a role play involved. I just waffled some rubbish thinking 'need to pee, need to pee, need to pee'.

Eventually after 3/4 of an hour I had to go. My interviewer genuinely looked shocked. It was awful. I didn't want to tell a complete stranger that I have a condition as that would be embarrassing and probably cost me the job anyway, but without saying anything it just looked like I was really impatient or something, couldn't wait fifteen minutes to go.

I didn't get the job, I do put this down to overactive bladder. I probably looked bored, constantly looking at the time. I probably seemed uninteresting, naming the same experience over and over again to answer the endless questions. I probably looked a bit weird shifting in my seat all the time. I definitely think I'd have had more chance without overactive bladder, but how do you tell a stranger about it?

I have since come up with a plan for these situations. My new line is this: 'Just to let you know, I'm currently receiving treatment for a bladder condition so I may have to pop out at some point. please be understanding.' If they can't understand that then I'd be no good working for them.

I think in hindsight, I should have asked how long the interview was likely to be so I could have mentally prepared myself. I should have used my line before the interview. I should have made more of an effort to engage with the questions and not think about my bladder.

We all learn from our mistakes, maybe I'll have better luck with the job hunt soon :)

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