Thursday, 14 March 2013


It's been so long, but I'm back!

I've been massively busy with university work lately and should actually be essay writing now. However, a couple of things have happened lately that have got me to thinking.
Number 1: the stigma. I was out with a couple of friends when I started to tell them about my OAB, I didn't go into massive amounts of detail but got greeted with "TMI, too much information." If I had another condition that affected me every day then I'd be able to talk about it. My friend has eczema, she's allowed to discuss that freely. Why can't I talk about this if I want to? It makes me feel better to tell people, it helps me to relax and then I'm not worried.
Somehow we need to stop this stigma. it's the bladder, everyone has one, it's a muscle and when it's overacting it's a muscle spasm. If OAB isn't allowed to be discussed, should we all zip it when we get cramp? When you think about it, it is ridiculous.

Today I saw an article on the Independent online ( I read the article and then read some of the comments. Some were so ignorant. One person has written this:
"Stay away from GPs and urologists. Just use pads and relax. Your condition is very common in both men and women. It's more pronounced in cold weather or if you have to be outside in the cold for long periods. It's perfectly natural. You are not ill and should not be seeking a "cure".

"Just use pads and relax" This individual is clearly completely ignorant to the effect on a persons confidence and sense of pride. "You are not ill" another good one. No, we're not ill in a life threatening way. However when the quality of your life is this severely affected we should be seeking a cure. We deserve a cure. I sincerely hope that this person finds themselves in a very public place and suddenly, without warning pees themselves. Then they will have a right to comment. I didn't respond to them on the website, because I don't think they're worth talking to, but I'll happily discuss it on here where I feel I'm amongst people who know the realities.

One comment that I did respond to was from someone pointing out that the article was sponsored by Astellas. Personally I don't see the harm in that. Overactive bladder is being discussed on a big newspaper's website, they are telling the story of a man who goes through what so many of us go through. They are not plugging the brand particularly, and they're certainly not trying to sell it to the general population. It's encouraging people to go to the doctor if they feel like we do. It's important that people do that.

Aside from everything else, I am continuing to feel better. I find keeping positive the best way to go about it (as well as keep taking the pills). I think me and my bladder have a trust issue, but maybe we'll resolve that.

Sorry to moan to everyone (yet again) and would also love to know how others suffering feel about the comments left on this article. Let me know!